RocketScan Plus is a powerful yet easy to use suite of intelligent capture software tools.
All tools in the suite are designed to automate the digitalization process of paper files while extracting text from the page so that you can populate other software and index content management systems on the fly. The suite will create electronic images and data files for all size projects to include production-level scanning with RocketScan Plus. Capture
• E-file capture
• Batch class capture
• Barcode recognition
• Forms processing
• Zonal OCR
• Scan
• Quality control
• Validation
• Export
• ApplicationXtender
• Flat file release
Store Archive
• Batch class management
• Executive dashboard
• User dashboard
RocketScan Plus empowers you with software capture tools which will create digital images from your paper – based documents, along with capturing electronic image files.
With just a few clicks of the mouse, our easy – to – use interface will give you the ability to scan, OCR, perform quality control, validate, and release all of your files and indexing data directly to CMX, ApplicationXtender or your front-line business applications through flat files. RocketScan Plus will increase your scanning productivity by providing capture options of manual, semi-automated, and fully automated forms processing and indexing. In addition to OCR technology, RocketScan Plus allows you to incorporate database lookups to auto populate indexing data.RocketScan Plus business process management uses dynamic dashboards to easily manage all scanning projects and user actions of each capture workflow.
With a live graphical view of a project, the user dashboard can quickly manage both time and production. It provides an instant view of all workflow steps within each project and which ones require the most attention. In addition to this dashboard, RocketScan Plus provides an executive dashboard & administration module. With just a few clicks management can have a dynamic view into all capture projects and the workflow steps associated with each project. With this view, management cam make sound decisions on project equipment and personnel benchmarking, controlling overall project profitability.